Undangan The 2nd International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization Invitation on the 2nd International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization
Telkom Corporate Uniersity bersama telkom University akan menyelenggarakan 2nd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO), dengan menghadirkan akademisi dan praktisi terbaik dari berbagai negara. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengeksplorasi tantangan utama dalam menerapkan learning organization, dampaknya terhadap kinerja organisasi serta membentuk arah penelitian dimasa mendatang melalui publikasi berkualitas tinggi.
kami mengundang bapak untuk menghadiri seminar dan konferensi ISCLO yang akan diselenggarakan pada :
Tanggal : Rabu & Kamis, 5 & 6 November 2014
Waktu : 08.00 - 18.00
Tempat : Hotel Indonesia Kempinski ( Ballroom Kempinski)
Jln. MH Thamrin No.1 , Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Topik : "Learning Organization in Increasing The Organization Performance"
Main Speaker : Dr Serafin D. Talisayon, Direktur R & D CCLFI, Filipina dan, Prof. Mansour Javidan, Thunderbird University - USA
kami juga memberi kesempatan kepada Akademisi program Magister Management dan Doktoral mendapatkan KUM melalui paper, dengan topik antara lain : Learning Organization, Talent and Leadership, Managing Diversity, Knowledge Management, Global Competitiveness, Learning technology and Methodology.
Untuk registrasi keikutsertaan seminar dan konferensi serta pengiriman abstarct / paper dapat dilakukan melalui www.isclo.com.Informasi lebih detail dapat dilihat dalam poster terlampir atau menghubungi Sdri.lis Kurnia ( +62 821 1506 6663), Sdr. Sukma Pertama Adi ( +62 821 1506 6664) email : Publication@isclo.com
Telkom Corporate University and Telkom University will held 2nd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO), by presenting the best academician and practitioner from various countries. This event is aimed to identify and explore main challenge in applying learning organization, its effect to organization performance, as well as forming future research aims through high quality publication.
We invite you to attend the ISCLO seminar and conference, which will be held on:
Dare : Wednesday & Thursday, 5th & 6th of November 2014
Time : 08.00 - 18.00
Venue : Indonesia Kempinski Hotel ( Ballroom Kempinski)
Jln. MH Thamrin No.1 , Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Topic : "Learning Organization in Increasing The Organization Performance"
Main Speaker : Dr Serafin D. Talisayon, Director of R & D CCLFI, Philippines and, Prof. Mansour Javidan, Thunderbird University - USA
We also provide chances for Academician from Master and Doctoral of Management Program to receive KUM through paper with topics of: Learning Organization, Talent and Leadership, Managing Diversity, Knowledge Management, Global Competitiveness, Learning technology and Methodology.
Registration and participation of seminar and conference, as well the submission of abstract may be done through www.isclo.com. Further information may be seen in the attached poster or contact Sdri.Lis Kurnia ( +62 821 1506 6663), Sdr. Sukma Pertama Adi ( +62 821 1506 6664) email : Publication@isclo.com