Undangan Seminar Surya University Invitation on Surya University Seminar
Bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa Universitas Surya akan Mengadakan International Symposium on Marine Biotechnology and Ocean Conservation dengan tema "
Marine Natural Products and Ocean Conservation towards Sustainable Marine Development ", yang akan dilaksanakan pada :
Hari / Tanggal : Senin - Selasa, 15 - 16 September 2014
Waktu : 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Tempat : Auditorium Universitas Surya, Summarecon Serpong, Tangerang
kami berharap Bapak/Ibu/Saudara berkenan untuk berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. Untuk informasi lengkapnya dapat dilihat melalui website
Demikian undangan ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan partisipasinya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
We would like to inform that Surya University will held International Symposium on Marine Biotechnology and Ocean Conservation with a theme "
Marine Natural Products and Ocean Conservation towards Sustainable Marine Development ", which take place on:
Day / Date : Monday - Tuesday, 15th - 16th of September 2014
Time : 08.00 - 16.00 PM
Venue : Surya University Auditorium, Summarecon Serpong, Tangerang
We hope you would be participate in this event. Further information may be seen at the website
Thank you for your attention and participation.