Udangan Seminar Nasional " The Challenge for the Professional Librarian in the Globalization Era " National Seminar Invitation on " The Challenge for the Professional Librarian in the Globalization Era "

1 Berdasarkan surat di atas pemberitahuan seminar tentang "the Challenge for the Professional Librarian in the Globalization Era " yang mana kegiatan tersebut akan dilaksanakan pada : Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 04 Februari 2015Waktu : Pukul 08.00-17.00 WIB Tempat : Aula Perpustakaan Nasional Jl. Salemba Raya No.28 A, Jakarta Pusat, Kode Pos 10430. Telp : +62-21-3923116 Acara tersebut penting diikuti oleh para Pimpinan Perpustakaan, Pustakawan, Staf Pengajar, Peneliti, Mahasiswa, dan para pemerhati perpustakaan untuk mempersiapkan lembaga dan pustakawan indonesia dalam menghadapi era globalisasi dan pasar bebas. untuk informasi lebih lengkap dapat dilihat brosur di bawah ini.. 2 3 1 Based on the letter above, the notice on seminar of "The Challenge for the Professional Librarian in the Globalization Era ", the event will be conducted as follows: Day/Date: Wednesday, 04th of February 2015Time : 08.00-17.00 pm Venue: National Library Hall Salemba Raya St. No.28 A, Jakarta Pusat, Postal Code 10430. Phone : +62-21-3923116 This event are particularly important to attended by Head of the Library, Librarian, Lecturer, Researcher, Student, and all who took interest in the field of library for preparing the institution and Indonesian librarian in facing globalization era and world wide trading. Further
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