Udangan Dies Natalis 2014 Invitation on Dies Natalis 2014
Sebagai tindaklanjut dari surat ikatan alumni Universitas Udayana Nomor : 39/PP-IKAYANA/IX/2014, tanggal 5 september 2014, tanggal 5 September 2014, perihal Partisipasi pada Reuni Agung IKAYANA dan Dies Natalis Unud, dan memperhatikan surat Ketua Panitia Seminar dengan Tema "Strategi Implementasi Program Bali Mandara JILID II : Harapan dan Kendala di Era Otonomi Daerah" Nomor : 5735/UN.14/HM/2014, tanggal 10 September 2014, perihal Undangan Seminar, serta menunjuk surat dari Ketua Panitia Dies Natalis ke 52 Unud, maka berikut ini diwajibkan para mahasiswa penerima Beasiswa dan mahasiswa baru tahun 2014 untuk menghadiri acara sebagaimana terlampir di bawah ini :
In reference to Udayana University bonds of alumni letter Number: 39/PP-IKAYANA/IX/2014, dated on the 5th of September 2014, on the participation to IKAYANA Great Reunion and Udayana University Dies Natalis, and referring to the Head of Seminar Committee with a theme "Strategic Implementation of Bali Mandara Program 2nd Chapter: Hope and Problem in the Era of Regional Independence" Number: 5735/UN.14/HM/2014, dated 10th of September 2014, on the Seminar Invitation, as well as in appointed to the Udayana University 52nd Dies Natalis Head of the Committee letter, then the following info is tasked to all students of scholarship grantee and new students in 2014 to participate in the event attached below: