Persyaratan dan Tata Cara Mendaftar Beasiswa Pascasarjana Australia Awards Scholarships 2014/15 Requirements and Regulations in Applying Postgraduate Scholarship of Australia Award Scholarship 2014/15

Dalam rangka kerjasama pembangunan antara pemerintahan Australia dan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mencapai pembangunan Negara Indonesia yang demokratis, aman dan makmur, pemerintah Australia melalui DFAT (the Departement Foreign Affair and Trade) setiap tahunnya menyediakan kurang lebih 500 beasiswa pascasarjana – Australia Awards Scholarships untuk para pegawai negeri sipil, tenaga-tenaga LSM Indonesia, dosen perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta, dan perorangan untuk mengikuti program pasca sarjana ( Master and Doktor) di institusi-institusi terkemuka di Australia. Terkait hal di atas kami informasikan bahwa untuk periode aplikasi tahun 2014/15 proses pendaftaran untuk mengikuti program ini akan di buka pada 1 feb s/d 18 juli 2014. Bersama surat ini pula kami dari kantor Coffey International Development selaku pihak pelaksana program Australia Awards Scholarships di Indonesia melampirkan formulir aplikasi Australia Awards Scholarships untuk periode 2014/15. Terlampir juga kami sertakan informasi tentang persyaratan dan tata cara melamar. Mengingat kami tidak mempunyai kantor cabang di daerah maka kami mohon bantuan bapak/ibu untuk dapat mendistribusikan informasi dan formulir Australia Awards Scholarship ini kepada para peminat program Australia Awards Scholarship yang memenuhi persyaratan seperti yang tertera dalam lampiran. Jika anda membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi kantor Australia Awards pada alamat yang tetera di bagian bawah surat ini, atau mengunjungi website kami di Atas perhatian dan kerjasama, kami ucapkan terima kasih. 1 2 3 Development cooperation between Australian and Indonesian Government to achieve democratic, safe and prosper Indonesia Country development, Australian government through DFAT (the Departement Foreign Affair and Trade), every year has provided at least 500 postgraduate scholarship – Australia Awards Scholarships for public servant employee, Indonesia LSM workers, public and private university lecturers, and personal to participate in the postgraduate program (Master and Doctor) in Australia leading institutions. In regard to that matter above, we would like to inform that for application period 2014/15, registration process for this program will be opened from the 1st February up to 18th of July 2014. We from the Coffey International Development office as the committee of Australia Award Scholarship in Indonesia
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would also like to attach Australia Award Scholarship application form for the period of 2014/15. We have also attached the information on requirements and regulations in applying. Considering we do not have any branch office in the region, we would like to ask for your help in distributing this Australia Award Scholarship information and form to all who are interested in Australia Award Scholarship program and fulfilling the requirements mentioned in the attachment. For further information, please contact Australia Awards office at the address written on the bottom section of the following letter, or visit the website at Thank you for your attention and cooperation. 1 2 3