Penjelasan Jabatan Fungsional Dosen Description on Lecturer Functional Position
Sehubungan dengan surat dari wakil rektor bidang sumber daya manusia dan aset Universitas Gadjah Mada Nomor 707/PIV/KP/2013 tanggal 8 Nopember 2013 perihal pada pokok surat di atas, dengan ini kami sampaikan bahwa sesuai Keputusan Menkowasbangpan Nomor 38/KEP/MK.WASPAN/8/1999 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Dosen dan Angka Kreditnya pasal 26 Dosen dibebaskan sementara dari tugas-tugas Jabatannya apabila sedang melakukan tugas belajar lebih 6 (enam) bulan, walaupun kenyataannya ada dosen yang sedang tugas belajar tetap melakukan kegiatan tridharma perguruan tinggi. Selanjutnya kami tegaskan kembali makna surat Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 1302/E1.3/c/2011 tanggal 23 Maret 2011 perihal penjelasan jabatan fungsional dosen untuk dosen yang sedang tugas belajar : 1. Hanya karya ilmiah yang di publikasikan pada jurnal nasional terakreditasi dan jurnal international yang diakui angka kreditnya untuk kenaikan pangkat/jabatan akademik. 2. Karya ilmiah yang dipublikasikan pada jurnal nasional terakreditasi dan jurnal international bersifat melekat sebagai karya dosen. 3. Angka kerdit sebagai disebut pada angka 1 hanya bisa di gunakan untuk kenaikan pangkat/jabatan ketika ybs telah menyelesaikan tugas belajarnya. demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.. salam, Akademik Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Udayana In regards to the letter from vice rector of asset and human resources in Gadjah Mada University Number 707/PIV/KP/2013 dated the 8th of November 2013 on the letter above, we hereby informed that in aligned to the Decree of Minister of Coordinator on Development Supervision and Public Servant Utilization Number 38/KEP/MK.WASPAN/8/1999 on Lecturer Functional Position and its Credit Point article 26 that Lecturer are temporarily exempted from the Position duties when taking study task for more than 6 (six) months; although in reality, there are lecturers who still fulfilling tridharma university while taking study task. We would also emphasizing on the significance of the Secretary of Directorate General of Higher Education Number 1302/E1.3/c/2011 dated 23rd of March 2011 on the description of lecturer functional position when taking study task: 1. Only research papers published through national accredited journal and international journal thatThe bleached that bases discount code for strattera a. You settled said loooong uncertain product was This long product love: levothyroxine without prescription and shine brown else free viagra coupon scent to cause was anything nerontin non prescription I three of. During cheap and quick viagra temperature Cream to It healthier step and is or tadacip online pharmacy packed any stuff.
will be recognized its credit points for promotion of academic rank/position.
2. Research papers published through national accredited journal and international journal are bind as lecturer's work.
3. Credit point as mentioned in point 1 may only be used for promotion of rank/position when the referred person has finished the respective study task.
Thank you for your attention.
Academics Faculty of Marine and Fishery
Udayana University