Informasi batas waktu pengumpulan proposal PKM 2013, Dan mohon tenaga Reviewer Proposal PKM Tahun 2013 Pendanaan Tahun 2014 Information on the closing date of PKM 2013 proposal submission, and Reviewer request on PKM pr
Dear All,
Menindaklanjuti surat dari Biro Administrasi Kemahasiswaan dengan nomor surat No. 3638/UN14.III/KM.04.06/2013 perihal Pengumpulan proposal PKM dan mohon Tenaga Reviewer proposal PKM. Pengumpulan Proposal PKM sudah di terima di BAK Unud Bukit Jimbaran paling lambat tgl. 7 Oktober 2013 dan juga mohon 1 (satu) orang tenaga Reviewer untuk kegiatan PKM tersebut paling lambat sudah diterima di BAK Unud Bukit jimbaran tgl. 30 september 2013. berikut ini saya lampirkan surat dari BAK. sekian terima kasih. Lampiran
Dear All, In accordance to the letter of Student Administration Bureau on No. 3638/UN14.III/KM.04.06/2013 of PKM Proposal Submission and Reviewer is viagra off patent request on PKM cialis pros and cons proposal; PKM Proposal Submission must be received viagra multiple intercourse at BAK Unud, Bukit Jimbaran at least on October the 7th, 2013 and the request of 1 (one) Reviewer for that PKM event blue star canadian pharmacy must be received at BAK Unud, Bukit Jimbaran at least on September the 30th, 2013. The following is the attachment of BAK letter. Thank you. Enclosure