Acara Gebyar Kesehatan Health Highlight Event
berdasaran surat di atas berkenaan dengan Dies Natalis ke-52 Universitas Udayana akan menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan, salah satunya Gebyar Kesehatan di RSPTN Universitas Udayana pada tanggal 19 - 20 September 2014. Adapun rincian kegiatan sebagai berikut :
- Skrining untuk operasi katarak tanggal 19 september 2014
- Operasi Katarak tanggal 20 September 2014
- Lomba balita sehat usia 6 bulan - 5 tahun tanggal 20 september 2014
- imunisasi pentabio balita diatas 18 bulan tanggal 20 september 2014
- Ceramah tentang imunasi untuk Bapak dan Ibu yang memiliki anak usia 18 bulan keatas tanggal 20 september 2014
- Pemecahan batu ginjal dengan alat ESWL ( extracoporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy ) tanggal 19 - 20 September 2014
- Gratis untuk 5 pasien Universitas Udayana
- Gratis Untuk 5 pasien Umum
- Pemeriksaan lemak tubuh denganalat Bioelectrical tanggal 19 - 20 September 2014
- Fisioterapi gratis untuk 20 orang ( selama 2 hari) tanggal 19 - 20 september 2014
- Gratis untuk 10 pasien Universitas Udayana
- Gratis untuk 10 pasien umum
- Papmears gratis unuk semua pasien yang memiliki kartu BPJS tanggal 19 - 20 September 2014
Unutk itu kami harapkan agar Saudara dapat menginformasikan lebih lanjut di unit kerja masing- masing
Based on the letter above in regard to the 52nd Dies Natalis of Udayana University, there will be several activities held, which one of it is Health Highlight in RSPTN in Udayana University at the 19th - 20th of September 2014. The details of the event are as follow:
- Screening for cataracts operation at the 19th of September 2014
- Cataracts Operation at the 20th of September 2014
- Healthy babies contest for the age 6 months - 5 years at the 20th of September 2014
- Babies pentabio immunization for the age above 18 months at the 20th of September 2014
- Lecture on immunization for anyone who has child above 18 months at the 20th of September 2014
- Dissolving kidney stone with the instrument ESWL ( extracoporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy ) at the 19th - 20th of September 2014
- Free for 5 patients of Udayana University
- Free for 5 general patients
- Body fat checking with the instrument Bioelectrical at the 19th - 20th of September 2014
- Free physiotherapy for 20 people ( for 2 days) at the 19th - 20th of September 2014
- Free for 10 patients of Udayana University
- Free for 10 general patients
- Free Papmears for all patients who has BPJS card at the 19th - 20th of September 2014
Therefore, we hope you would inform this notice to all colleagues in your institution